From: []
On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, November 18, 2009 9:32 PM
Subject: [f&f] An Affair...Did It Hurt?
Gw masih dan akan selalu percaya bahwa suatu hubungan harus dibangun atas
dasar saling percaya dan menghargai juga kejujuran. Tanpa itu, kita hanya
akan membangun suatu hubungan dengan fondasi yang rapuh dan pada akhirnya
kemungkinan besar hanya akan berakhir pada suatu akhir yang paling tidak
diinginkan oleh satupun umat manusia di dunia ini. Only will lead to
instability, which will probably lead to anger and dissatisfaction. Who
would want a relationship such as this? I had one once and I can assure you
that it isn't fun, even if you don't really know for sure that there is
something untoward going on. You do know that there is "something" and
though you can't prove it, the heart almost always feels the difference.
Apalagi kita sebagai wanita biasanya dianugerahi Tuhan suatu intuisi yang
tajam, yang mungkin dimaksudkan Tuhan sebagai "senjata andalan" bagi wanita
untuk tidak mudah dibohongi oleh kaum pria.
Ketika suatu affair terjadi, cinta dan kesetiaan akan dipertaruhkan.
Seseorang yang terlibat dalam suatu affair, awalnya akan merasa yakin dapat
'menyeimbangkan' ke dua belah pihak, si pasangan resmi-nya dan pasangan
'gelap'-nya, tapi percaya deh eventually (and it usually doesn't take long),
'keseimbangan' ini akan bergerak cenderung menuju ke suatu arah, entah ke
arah pasangan resmi ataupun sebaliknya.
Tapi kemanapun 'keseimbangan' ini kemudian akan mengarah, resiko berupa
perasaan negatif akan selalu melekat padanya. For instance,if this 'balance'
tip towards the lover, the spouse if left completely behind be it through
divorce or emotional desertion. And if it tip the other way and the spouse
wins out what was theirs to begin with, they now have the horror of an
affair to deal with since this must be disclosed in order to begin healing
in the relationship.
Affair akan selalu meninggalkan luka di hati seseorang atau mungkin banyak
orang, dalam satu atau lain cara, dan bagaimanapun akhirnya. Even if the
affair is never brought to light, there will be something that will happen
to steal peoples' joy and security and it will hurt. An affair is by its
very nature something that is done in secret and in a tawdry, sneaky,
underhanded manner. There is nothing good that will ever, or has ever, come
from lying and deceiving the one that you claim to love and care for.
Tidak ada sesuatupun di dunia ini yang dapat memberikan rasa sakit dan
penderitaan yang dapat melebihi rasa sakit dan penderitaan yang ditimbulkan
oleh suatu affair.
Apabila kita sebagai 'korban' dalam suatu affair, otomatis naluri alami akan
membawa diri kita menjauh dari pasangan. Merasa marah, kecewa, sakit hati
bahkan jijik dengan perbuatan yang dilakukan oleh pasangan.
Sebagai 'pelaku' suatu affair, kita juga akan mengalami rasa sakit. There
may be our family and friends lost because they care for the spouse that we
hurt. There may be children who have seen the affair in one way or another
and are put through a very unsure period. There may be simply the stress of
knowing that we made a very wrong choice and now will have to work extra
hard to rebuild what we ourselves have destroyed.
Apa pun hasil dari terjadinya suatu affair, hanya akan membawa kehancuran
dan luka yang akan selalu membekas dan tidak akan pernah kembali seperti
semula. There will be broken hearts and shattered dreams all along the
roadside of this relationship, whether it lives or dies. To those having or
considering having affairs, please well figure out why you are thinking
about this. Are the consequences worth it? Never ever!
You lied to me and twisted your truth
All the times I was there to help you soothe
You kept your secret behind your heart
You said it was hard for you
You said it hurt you too
Did it hurt?
It was the hardest lesson to learn
I thought you would never betray me
But you did it mercilessly
You said it was hard for you
You said it hurt you too
Did it hurt?
I wear the scars of my past
I got through, and got through without you
I grow and move on
You said it was hard for you
You said it hurt you too
Did it hurt?
Maybe not today, probably not tomorrow, but someday....someday you will look
for me and find that I don't wait here for you to grow up, you're gonna fall
apart when you learn I move on.
Sent from my BlackBerryR
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